Monday, July 16, 2007

American Redstart

Not easy to picture, they are always moving.
This is an adult male

American Redstart

Setophaga ruticilla 5.25 "
When they come, they come.
They are abundant in the Island in migration time

Scarlet Tanager

This is an adult nonbreeding.
Piranga olivacea 7 "

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Red lored Parrot

Amazona autumnalis 12.5"
Amazona species escape occationally from his usual tropical areas. Hybrids are not rare. Good and noisy

Turkey Vulture

Cathartes aura 26 "

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Clark's Nutcracker

Nucifraga columbiana 12 "
West USA and Canada. a friendly bird, specialy at lunch time

Gray Jay

Perisoreus canadensis 11.5 "

Black billed Magpie

Pica hudsonia 19 "

Common Raven

Cuervo comun 24 "
Corvux corax

Black Vulture

Zopilote comun 25 "
Coragyps atratus
Mas comun en areas calidas, menor distribucion que su primo el Zopilote o Aura comun . Cabeza pequeña y desplumada hasta el cuello, para falicitarle la recuperacion de carroña en las cavidades de los cuerpos.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

MacGillivray's Warbler

Oporornis tolmiei 5.25 "
When in dought as an expert;
Ernesto remember that a Nashville has the yellow all the way up the throat right to the lower bill. So this is a female Macgillivary's the mourning has the full hood like the Mac. Scarlet

Sunday, July 1, 2007